Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just Be There

Okay, so today kind of should have been a good day. It was, mostly. I got rebaptized with two of the best people in the world, Bridgette Coulter and Ryan Webster. Amazing. My youth pastor Aaron baptized me, so that was great. I love him so much.

However, the rest of the afternoon... Um. No. Tom, Bridgette's brother and another one of my "good" friends, was supposed to go to lunch with us afterward to celebrate and just have fun and stuff. We did plan this a week ahead, but no. He had to go to his other friend's house. I guess we know who's more important here. Ugh, whatever.

I just feel like the devils trying to take everyone away. I thought Tom would be a good friend. I thought he would y'know... actually be there like he's always saying. I tell him a lot of what's going on, he's the one I rant to when no one else will listen. But recently he hasn't been really having time to listen, and he keeps saying he'll be there when he really isn't going to be. Augh.. I understand that he can't be there every second, and that he has other friends, I get that. But why can't he be there when he says he will?

I feel very unimportant and unloved right now. Thank you, Thomas Michael Coulter.

You Make Every Day Worth It.