Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm So Confused.

You don't sound fine. Do I ask if you're really fine? Do I back off and wait for you to admit that it's not really fine? Do I stop texting you? Do I rattle off my favorite bible verse? Do I just say "I love you"? What do I do?

People, listen. If you have a problem that needs discussing, freaking tell me. Unless you honestly don't want to talk about it. I'm getting really confused by the different reactions I get to asking "how are you?" Some people want me to keep asking if it's "really okay", and some people want me to shut up and not ask anymore.

I understand if you don't want to talk, I do. And I also understand saying "I'm fine" but really wanting someone to look me in the eye and ask if I'm lying. I do that quite often. Luckily, I have a friend who knows when I'm lying and calls me out on it. I'm really bad at this though, I'm sorry I can't be as good at it as he is.

I do like to listen to you. Ever since I've been able to push my past out from in front of me, I've been thinking this is what God wants me to do, listen to people and pray for them, maybe even go down the path of counseling one day. I'm not bragging, but I am a great listener. I love listening and trying to help in any way I can. God's given me empathy and I'll cry with you if you're sad or laugh if you're feeling funny, or even be angry with you if you're justifiably angry.

I love you. Let me help you if you want help. Don't just say "I'm fine".