Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lifeguard Training

So training was cool. Did a couple practicals out at Port Orange YMCA. I have a bruise on my arm where Aaron's (I'm assuming) thumb was when he pulled me out of the water. My wrists are sore from being tugged on. Jake wouldn't stop putting me in front of the jets so I would get tickled. Jon told us about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Cattie and Emily giggled in the back of the short bus. Erica couldn't get out of the pool, so I had to hold Gil-who is really heavy-for a long time until she finally climbed out. Aaron, who rode his motorcycle, banged on the bus and scared the heck out of Shannon and John. Will didn't get to play his part in the icebreaker. Ben was really late. And Rae laughed really hard the whole way home. :) I love my co-workers.