Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day# 5) My Dreams

Dear Dreams,
Stop being so unreasonable. When I close my eyes and think of my future, it's perfect. It's-and forgive the pun-dreamy. I know who I want to be with in ten years. I know how many babies I want.... sigh. Stop tricking me with these delusions.
However, they are quite entertaining while I'm sitting in the guard chair, and I like pretending that it's all going to work out. That the one I wanna be with is going to see it, that I'll have the right amount of girl and boy babies...
But I know that half of what I'm dreaming of won't work out, and maybe none of it. So please be more reasonable. Optimism is only good sometimes, sometimes you have to see past the silver lining.
Phoebe Noel
P.S. And dreams, please don't fade. As unreasonable as you are, sometimes I think you're the only thing that gets me through.