Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day# 8) My Favorite Internet Friend

I don't talk to anyone I don't know, so I'd have to say that this is... Zach Stormant. Whom I know, but I haven't talked to, besides on the internet, for two years.

Dear Zach,
I find it very sad that you're now my internet friend. And not only that, but that we haven't even talked over the internet in forever. I miss your funny conversations, they always crack me up. The great thing is, you're just as funny in person as you are over facebook chat. At least, I think you still are.
I wish I would've gotten to lifeguard one of your swim meets. I wish you'd come back to the springs. I wish we'd chat on facebook like we used to.
I miss you,
Phoebe Noel