Saturday, June 5, 2010


Right now I'm drowning in paperwork for Arizona, but what a joy! I actually like filling out paperwork for this trip, and I love packing, I really do. I'm so excited to get going, get closer to the girls I'm gonna be going with (and the boys), and have a mountaintop experience with God. Ha.. It's been a long time since I've been out of the valley, and I'm ready for that "Jesus high".

I would say I'm going to miss everyone here in Florida, but. I'm going to be running around like a chicken with my head cut off from dawn until late at night. I don't know if I'll have time to miss anyone, haha. No, I know I will. I'll be thinking of you guys during my quiet time. Especially you, Thomas Michael Coulter, since you were supposed to go on this trip with me. Bridgette, I'm gonna miss having you right there within a phone's distance (since I won't have my phone). Ryan, I'll miss your hugs that I get usually at least three times a week. Ian, I'm just going to flat out miss you aha.. Owen, I'm gonna be without your laugh for ten days! My bestfriends, Paul and Betsy, I'm gonna miss the springs with you.

But one thing I am really happy about is the fact that I'll be going on this trip with Rachel. We've fallen apart so much over the years and I'm looking forward to building it back up. Hopefully this will allow us a little time away from the distractions we both deal with.

Love you all!