Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day# 2) My Crush

Aha. Okay wow. Here goes, but I refuse to use names. If you know me, you know who this is.

Dear boy,
I had something to say to you, but now that I'm writing this, my mind decided to go totally blank.
One thing I really love about you is how caring you are. You don't always know exactly what to say or what's going on, but you care. And you're there when I need you. Not many people will do that for me, and I appreciate every second that you've lost sleep to make sure I'm okay. That gives me hope.
But the real reason I fell for you is because of how deep in Christ you are. I don't know that many people like that. I noticed from very early on that there was something different in the way you acted, carried yourself, and spoke. You're a wonderful example, and every girl deserves to meet a guy like you.
Darling, you're everything I was looking for, and I'm not giving up hope, even though right now it doesn't appear to be working out. I know I've said before I'm letting go, and I am. But I'm going to drop back in the shadow and wait, quiet and watching, just for you. Because you make every day worth it.
Love, that girl.