Monday, August 9, 2010

Sometimes I get so tired.
- I'm tired because I wake up every morning no later than 7:00
- I'm tired because I have go straight from work to school
- I'm tired of not being with my friends
- I'm tired of missing church
- I'm tired because I pour every second of energy into something other than myself
- I'm tired of worrying
- I'm tired of being sinful
Oh my goodness, but I'm so happy.
- I'm happy because the reason I wake up no later than 7:00 is because I still have a job.
- I'm happy because I have the opportunity to go to school
- I'm happy because my friends are always there to come back to
- I'm happy because I still have the right to worship God
- I'm happy because the things and people I pour energy into are so much more important than myself
- I'm happy because I have a Savior to take my worry away!
- I'm happy because Christ took my sin and threw it away!