Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So I thought it would be interesting (for me, maybe not for you) to make a list of things I am legitimately afraid of. These are in descending order, and I will give reasons for them after each one, if I'm comfortable revealing them.

  • Being alone (Yes, I'm the typical girl, afraid of going life alone. Solitary confinement would literally kill me.)
  • Heights (Yeahh, this has a legit reason, I promise.)
  • Disappointing people (I am a people-pleaser in case you haven't figured that one out. I don't bs to you, but I will work really, really, hard to please you.)
  • Elevators (I will get on them, but I had to get on one today and I covered my eyes the whole way up.)
  • Cockroaches (No joke, if I could, I would rid the earth of these things. They are so nasty and ugly.)

Huh, I'm afraid of less things than I thought I was. (Granted, I have other fears, but they are mostly little ones) The point I was trying to make with this whole post is that no matter how many fears we have, none of the things we are afraid of are too big for Jesus.

"For I, the Lord, will hold your right hand, saying to you 'fear not, I will help you'." (Isaiah 41:13)