Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm So Bored I'm Gonna Die!

This is exactly how I felt today up in the guard chair in the indoor pool. I don't really get why I get all the shifts in the indoor pool and none in the outdoor pool. It's probably because at the pool, seniority rules, and I am one of the "newer" guards there, although I've been working there about a year now.

Anyway, what I really want to rant about is that ONE person who loves to come swim in the indoor pool, right when you're about to do something interesting. (Hosing, doing the board, sweeping, and other stuff). Like, really? You have the whole outdoor pool, you have to come to the indoor pool?

If you are not, and have never been, a lifeguard, you cannot understand my hatred for that patron. Now, they're doing nothing wrong, they just innocently don't know how much I hate watching one person swim laps. They are so blissfully unaware of all the mayhem I wish on their life.

Word of advice: If you come to my pool, you better not be the only one in it. :)