Sunday, August 8, 2010


Everybody has them. Some people have little ones, barely noticeable even to themselves. But everybody's got them. And you know what everybody else likes to do? They love to talk about them. It's true. It seems like my problems are so much bigger than the average Joe's. My problems are more important than Kate's. My problems are the biggest freaking problems in the world!

That's our attitude. And it doesn't matter if we like talking about them, exactly. I have plenty of friends that just don't talk about their problems. But some still forget to have compassion on the others that are also hurting.

This makes no sense! Shall we, having dealt with the things we dealt with, continue with a hard heart through the rest of life? I hope not!

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." (James 1:19)

People, I know you have scars. And I know they're not strong, sometimes they break open and bleed again, but let's have some compassion. Be sensitive.

Be love.