Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Sometimes, I get jealous of those girls who have boyfriends, or boys that they don't call boyfriends. Basically, anyone who has someone to hold hands with, kiss, hold and love. Like, I've never had that. And sometimes, I want it. Sometimes, I wish I was the girl who had every guy she wanted.

But guess what? I'm not completely perfect, but I get to tell my husband "I've never held hands with anyone but you, I've never kissed anyone but you, I've never been in love with anyone but you". I don't have to worry if he ever asks about the other boys I've dated, because I haven't dated any. I haven't even done stuff that should only fall under the realm of "dating", although preferably engagement or marriage.

So with that, Dear Husband, wherever you are, realize that I can't wait to marry you. I can't wait to stop being jealous. I can't wait to come home to you and I'm so happy that you'll be the only one.  :)