Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm so frustrated.

Why? Really? Really, the day had to get that much worse? I was already having a hard time.

Today, I get to work. The front desk person doesn't open up until 7:45, when I'm supposed to be opening the pool at 7:30 to get it ready for when it actually opens at 8:00. So I'm late getting in the building and opening the pool. The pool cover is heavy and it won't go on the roller right. I can't figure out the stupid lane lines because they've broken so many times that the yellow and red ones will only fit in one spot in the pool. So aggravating. Next, someone tries to get into the pool when I'm not even out there and I have to run back to the pool.

Then, to top it all off, while I was trying to get into the office, the key breaks in the lock. I tried for half an hour to get it out, but it's not coming out, it's completely stuck and the office is still locked. This is bad, considering there's a birthday party at the pool today and all the birthday party stuff is in there. It's not like I thought to myself "oh, let me break the key in the lock! Mwahahaha!" I try really, really hard to do my job and let everything run smoothly and I work hard. I really do. I follow the rules, I don't leave the deck during my shift, I'm honest on my timesheet, I try not to talk too much, I try to scan. I try so hard. But everything goes wrong.

I honestly don't know what they're going to do with me. I already called my boss, and she didn't sound too mad, so maybe I'm over reacting. I don't know.

I feel like taking a baseball bat and hitting something with it right now. I'm so mad at myself and ugh, this day isn't even halfway over and I'm already so frustrated I could cry.