Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Diamond or Plastic?

Okay, so I Lifeguard at the YMCA and recently noticed that on the new YMCA website, it's now being called "The Y", with the letters ymca in smaller font beside. I'm confused? Like, hasn't it been the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) for it's entire existence? Are even the "Christian" associations trying to take God out of everything? Are we doing this just so people of other religions are "comfortable"?

Let them be uncomfortable! I'm not saying we can't love them as people. I know plenty of people of other religions whom I totally adore and are pretty much the bomb, but I don't feel the need to make them comfortable in their religion. I realize, this is probably a turn off, but look at it this way:

If you owned a pawn shop, and someone came in with a diamond ring, and another person came in with a plastic ring, which would you be more likely to buy? Which one would hold your favor? Obviously the diamond, why not the plastic? Because the plastic does not benefit you in any way. Neither does it bring about the same result as the diamond.

In the same manner, Christians, we have to reject all other ways of life. We have our own diamond way, what do we need of the plastic of this world? I'm sorry if this offends any non-christians, but we want you to have the diamonds to.

Christians, reach for the diamond only, don't be distracted by the plastic. Don't get so comfortable that you're willing to take God out of ANY area in your life.