Friday, August 6, 2010

Get Ready For A Long Post...

I am Phoebe.
My friends call me Little Bird, Bee, Pheebs, and shorty.
I love beauty.
I dream too big for my little person.
I sing. 
I dance.
I write songs and poems.
But never in public.
I walked a lonely life for years, before I met my savior.
My life is often upside down and I feel like I'm drowning.
But still I manage to find my way back to the One who makes it all worth it.
He gives me friends.
Little brother.
A future.
I'm quiet and afraid.
But inside I'm bold and I know what I want.
I wear converse, and heels.
But not at the same time.
I wish at 11:11.
I look for shooting stars.
I cross my fingers over railroads.
I "kiss the roof" at yellow lights.
And yet I know that only God is in control.
I hide away from my fears.
I would rather slip away then demand attention.
I am easily ignored.
I'm waiting for someone.
I'm hoping for my future.
I'm praying, and watching and holding my silence.
I know that Christ's love covers all.
My favorite verses are:
 2 Corinthians 12:19
1 Chronicles 16:11
Romans 14:8
My life is all for Christ.
I am preachy.
I like to rant.
I get discouraged.
I hope for the best.
Light Up The Darkness.