Friday, August 13, 2010

Well, Goodbye;

Goodbye beautiful, sad, happy, blog. I love you! But it's time to get a new one for fall.

Whoever's out there, if you want to keep tabs on my weird life, go to:

Bye blog! P.S. Every Day is so Worth It!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Think I Miss Them Just A Bit Too Much;

These boys=Lovee. I can't help but adore this entire family. They're amazing people.

I just realized that I need a picture of the DannyBoy. :\

ThomasMichaelCoulter :)

So... Him=BestFriendd. :)

Your Voice Is Like :)

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change.

I haven't heard your voice in so long. :(

Dear World;

Don't forget who you are. Remember who you can be.

Who's really worth living for?

One of my last posts! :(

Oh blog. How I love you.


So, if you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you I'm a speed demon in my PT Cruiser. Although this is inaccurate (I think), I do speed sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time. But it's usually only 5 miles an hour or maybe 10 on big roads.

But today, I was driving to work, speeding along as usual, and God said to me, "Phoebe, you need to stop speeding."
And I said, "Now? Okay."
"No, always."
"Lord, if I stop speeding, I won't get places on time. I'm always late anyway, can't you just keep the cops away?"
But he just kept saying, "stop speeding, trust me."

So, I really have no great revelation to share. Nothing supernatural really happened today as a result of my not speeding. Except for one thing, I got every where early. Like, earlier than I do when I speed.

Weird, huh? :)