Friday, July 16, 2010


"I have the world's best sister! She's very, very beautiful!! And very loving, and I love her like crazy!" -- My unbiological little brother.

So I feel like I must be hogging the world's love. It's kind of unfair that someone loves me this much, when so many other people need way more love than me.

To all of the ladies: You are beautiful, no matter what they say. Even if you can't believe that you're beautiful on the outside (which you are), you have the potential to be beautiful on the inside with help from the Lord. Never forget that, because there's at least one person whose world lights up when you walk into the room. There's someone who loves your smile and would do anything to make you laugh.

To all of the gentlemen: I'm not sure you would like it if I called you beautiful, but not only do you have your own strength, but you have an even bigger opportunity than the ladies do to become like Christ. (After all, Christ wasn't a woman) Use your life to become the picture of Jesus that you were made to be! Also, like the ladies, don't forget that there's someone out there who gets butterflies when they see you, someone who loves your hugs, and someone who just likes to listen to your voice.

You are beautiful.