Monday, April 5, 2010

I love how in Christ I have joy, but I hate how I would rather be happy.
I love how so many people care about me, but I hate how I can’t see it.
I love how many people I care about, but I hate how many of them don’t care about me.
I love how he makes me smile, but I hate how he makes me cry.
I love how I’m willing to wait for God to show me my husband, but I hate how I wish he’d hurry up.

I love how I can help people, but I hate how I can’t take my own advice.
I love how I trust in the Lord, but I hate how I somehow still have doubts.
I love the way I can love people, but I hate how I can’t love myself.
I love how he makes me happy, but I hate how he’s not what I need right now.
I love how many friends I have, but I hate how many of them I hurt.
I hate how much I’ve done to myself...
But I love how Every Day is still Worth It.