Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ten Things Guys NEED to know. Seriously.
  1. We don’t like fights. They scare us. We don’t really care how rude someone’s being, because we know how to walk away.
  2. It’s okay if you aren’t perfect, we didn’t expect that. What would be nice is if you would work on things that frustrate us.
  1. We classify any upsetting words that come out of your mouth as “yelling”. It doesn’t matter if your voice was raised or not.
  2. Watch your facial expressions. Your tone doesn’t even have to change and we’re already worried that you’re upset.
  3. Sometimes, we’re upset. For no obvious reason. It’s best not to say anything, just give us a big, warm hug.
  4. If we can cry in front of you, that means we trust you to love us even when we look and feel our worst. (Unless, of course, said girl cries in front of everyone.)
  5. Unless we say otherwise, we like it when you wipe the tears away.
  6. We can be very double people. Feel free to talk to us about it, just remember that you’ll have to forgive us.
  7. If you can take time away from your friends to spend time with us, it means a lot!
  8. All we want is to sit next to you in the car and sing to a CD, even if you have a terrible voice.
(Naturally, these will vary with every woman you meet. You may want to ask her if you are unsure. Actually, make sure you ask if you feel like sticking around.)